Legal Notices and Required

The opinions, information and data provided at the website of Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. are presented with a delay and may differ from the actual opinions, information and data at any time. The accuracy and reliability of the opinions, information and data provided at our website is monitored and checked by Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. with utmost care, and efforts are made to ensure that these opinions, information and data are updated to the extent possible within the framework of technical means and legal restrictions. However, in spite of such monitoring and checking process, Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. does not assume any legal liability for any situation that may arise due to the presence of incorrect, incomplete or delayed opinions, information and data at our website, without the desire and/or knowledge of Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş.
The opinions, information and data provided at the website aim to assist investors in their own investment decisions, cannot be treated within the scope of investment consulting, and do not aim to influence investors decisions to buy or sell any investment instrument. No connection can be established between the investment decisions made by investors and the opinions, information and data provided at our website, and Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. does not assume any liability for any errors or damages that might occur as a result of such decisions.
The information, assessments, comments and statistical figures and values provided at can be used for information purposes. As the information, analysis and comments available at our website belong to Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş., it is not possible to distribute, reproduce, modify or transfer them to computer systems for future use without the written permission of Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. Otherwise, Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş. may ask for the recovery of all losses and damages suffered by it.
BİST name and logo are protected under the "Protection Trademark Certificate" and cannot be used, quoted or modified without permission. The copyrights of all information provided under the name BİST fully belong to BİST, and such data cannot be re-published. Stock and Futures and Options Market data originating from BİST consist of the end-of-day closing data, news and bond-repo data. BİST data is provided by Matriks Information Distribution Services. The copyrights of all information regarding the Futures and Options Market fully belong to BİST and cannot be re-published. Futures and Options Market data is the end-of-day closing data. Futures and Options Market data is provided by Matriks Information Distribution Services.
Accounts to be Transferred to the Investor Compensation Center (ICC) Due to Statute of Limitations:
Accounts to be Transferred to the Investor Compensation Center (ICC) Due to Statute of Limitations:
In accordance with the Article 24 of the "Investor Compensation Center Regulation", which came into force upon being published in the Official Journal dated 27 February 2015 and numbered 29280, as amended by the regulation no. 31580 dated 26 August 2021; all types of securities and claims arising from investment services and activities as well as their associated interests, dividends and other revenues are subject to statute of limitations and are transferred to ICC in escrow, if they are not claimed and collected within ten years starting from the date of the last request, transaction or any other written instruction of the account holder.
For the accounts, whose statute of limitations will expire between 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 and 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024, account holders can make a search whether they are included in the following list.
Our clients included in this list are required to apply to our General Directorate or to our non-central organizations together with a valid identification document and a document confirming their address (invoice/residence certificate etc.); otherwise, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, their securities and claims and associated interests, dividends and other revenues will be transferred to the Investor Compensation Center.
1-) Regarding the securities and claims, whose statute of limitations will expire within 2023; as long as the 10-year statute of limitations does not expire from the date of the last request, transaction or written instruction of the account holder, our clients may apply to our Institution within 2023, and these applications will be taken into consideration.
2-) Regarding the securities and claims, whose statute of limitations will expire within 2024; as long as the 10-year statute of limitations does not expire from the date of the last request, transaction or written instruction of the account holder, our clients may apply to our Institution within 2024, and these applications will be taken into consideration.
To check whether you are included in the list published by our Institution, you can make a search by using your account number and/or Turkish ID Number in the following field.