Research Services

Consisting of nine analysts (one economist + seven equity analysts + one database responsible), the Research Department of Tacirler Investment attaches great importance to accurate and transparent information flow to its clients. Tacirler research team produces detailed macro, company / sector and strategy reports for domestic and global markets as well as intra-day news and information bulletins in order to assist its clients make accurate investment decisions.
▶ Daily Research Reports
- Daily Bulletin (BIST, VIOP, macro etc.)
- Global Markets Bulletin
- Periodic Financial Summaries
- International Institutional Investors E-MAIL
- Turkish Lira Daily Comment (EN)
- Summarizing the developments in EM currencies and TL, sharing our short-term expectations in TL to be shared with foreign clients every morning
▶ Weekly Research Reports
- Weekly Data Calendar Bulletin
- Dealer E-MAIL
- Weekly Foreign Portfolio Changes, Money and Bank Statistics (TR&EN) email
▶ Monthly Research Reports
- Global Inflation Dynamics
▶ Yearly Research Reports
- Macroeconomic Outlook Reports
▶ Non-routine studies/reports
- Short-Term Investment Recommendations
- Company / Sector Reports
- Model Portfolio Reports
- Tematic / Strategy Reports
- Economic Data Analysis (TR&EN Flash Notes)
- Dealer E-MAIL:
- Flash news/data (TR/EN): We share important news or some different data analysis with short notes.
- Sectoral Reports (Housing sales, ODD data etc.)
- Market expectations and possible scenario analysis before important meetings such as ECB, FED, OPEC.
- Snapshots – Important exhibits shares from time to time along with important interpretations during the day.
- Follow-up and emailing of treasury auctions (TR&EN)