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About Us

Tacirler Investment, one of the most established investment companies in the Capital Markets since 1991 as a part of the Tacirler Holding operating in business, construction, industry and finance sectors, is one of the leading non-bank investment companies with its robust capital structure.

Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors

Extensive and Specialized Staff

We aim to provide the highest quality services to our investors along with our entire portfolio of individual and corporate products and services that an investment bank can offer through our head office and 25 Service Points in Turkey and Northern Cyprus and from our "Online Investment Center" and "Tacirler Mobile" application based on our advanced technological infrastructure and experienced and specialized staff.

As Tacirler Investment, we are striving to build and maintain trust-based investor relationships.

We adopt all technological developments and innovations to our services.

We aim to diversify our service distribution channels and use them in the most efficient way.

We adopt all technological developments and innovations to our services.

As Tacirler Investment

  • We are striving to build and maintain trust-based investor relationships.
  • We adopt all technological developments and innovations to our services.
  • We aim to diversify our service distribution channels and use them in the most efficient way.

Our Events

As Tacirler Investment, we are aware of the importance of becoming an efficient organization that socializes with its stakeholders, and we are fully active in the field.

Social Responsibilities

Tacirler Investment, which has taken a proactive role in social issues since the day it was founded, has made producing social benefits one of its main missions.

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