Evening Session

Information about the evening session, which was put into effect in the Futures and Options Market on January 17, 2020, is provided below.
- Our Institution accepts orders electronically (through our Tacirler Mobile Application, Online Investment Center and Online Branch, Matriks - Foreks - Ideal) during the Evening Session.
- For support services, you can call the telephone number 0212 355 46 13 between 19:00 and 23:00.
Contracts Included
Index Futures Contracts
- BİST 30
- BİST Bank and BİST Industrial
- BİST Liquid Bank and BİST Non-Bank Liquid 10
Precious Metals Futures Contracts
- Ounce Gold
- Ounce Silver
Foreign Currency Futures Contracts
- Flexible USD/Turkish Lira
Contracts Included;
- Flexible Contracts will not be created,
- Intermonth strategy orders will not be used,
- Special trade notification will not be possible.
- Evening sessions will not be applied on half days.
- At the end of maturity, the expired contracts will not be included into the evening session, and new maturity months will be first traded in the normal session.
- The price limits to be applied in the evening session will be determined over the settlement price calculated at the end of the normal session of the relevant day, and will be applied as ± 3% of the normal end-of-session settlement price.
Index Futures Contracts Session Hours
Other Futures and Options Contracts Session Hours
Futures and Options Market Evening Session - Operating Rules
- Good-Till-Cancelled order cannot be placed.
- For the validity of an order in the evening session, it is required to be sent with the Daily order period by indicating that the Evening Session is also included.
- The orders placed during the normal session, including the evening session, and the orders placed in the evening session will be canceled at the end of the Evening Session.
- Good-Till-Cancelled or Daily Orders that will not be valid in the evening session will be taken to inactive status before the evening session, and will not be affected by the Evening Session trades. These orders will be automatically taken to active status by the system at the beginning of the normal session by preserving their time priority.
Valid Order Types for the Evening Session
- Limit
- Stop Order
Valid Order Times for the Evening Session
- Cancel
- Good-Till-Cancelled
- Good-Till-Date Order