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Human Resources

Achieve your career goals with Tacirler Investment as one of the institutions having the highest equity capital among non-bank investment institutions in Turkey! Selecting the human resources suitable for the corporate structure of our Company and providing the best trainings, orientation and development activities is our most important principle. At Tacirler Investment, we provide all our employees with the professional environment and conditions where they can use and develop their talents and skills. Accordingly, our employees take the opportunity to gain important theoretical and practical experience in the Capital Markets and to improve themselves through internal/external training. Tacirler Investment places priority to its employees having Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Derivative Instruments licenses in accordance with the CMB legislation. All our employees make a difference in the Capital Markets with their knowledge and experience in the field that they will operate. If you would like to have an important and robust career in the financial markets, you can contact us via the following e-mail address.


Vacant Job Advertisements for Career Opportunities at Tacirler Investment

Our vacant job advertisements are listed in this field.

  • No available Job Advertisement at the moment.
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