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Primary Dealer

Tacirler Investment is among the institutions that can act as a primary dealer to ensure price stability against excessive volatility and manipulative transactions in relation with the shallow stocks in the BİST Stocks Market.

The purpose of a Primary Dealer is to ensure price stability for the stocks related to the trading quotations given for the securities traded with the continuous trading method and to prevent excessive price volatility other than the price movements that occur due to market requirements. By acting as a Primary Dealer, we aim to protect investors against artificial price movements that cause uneasiness for investors.

Exchange traded funds, intermediary institution’s warrants and certificates in the Corporate Products Market are mandatorily traded with the continuous auction method with the involvement of the Primary Dealer. In terms of all other stocks not listed on BİST 100 Index but included in the Corporate Products Market; it is possible to optionally act as a Primary Dealer regarding the stocks with market value in actual circulation below 10 million TRY in the markets other than Custody Market, Free Trading Platform and Qualified Investor Transactions Market.

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