Aid for the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake

On February 6, 2023, two consecutive earthquakes with epicenter in Kahramanmaraş City affected 11 cities causing great destruction and loss of lives. Based on the awareness that we always heal our wounds in unity and solidarity as a nation against all disasters; our Institution sent out 1 truck of food support on the first day of the earthquake and delivered it to the authorized aid teams in the region in order to contribute to the urgent food needs of the disaster victims.
In addition, a cash donation in the amount of 4 Million TRY was made to the charity organizations operating in the region on behalf of Tacirler Investment, Tacirler Portföy and our other affiliates.
Also, under the leadership of our General Directorate, we continued our efforts in solidarity and assistance by identifying the needs in our earthquake-affected regions through our earthquake coordination representatives at our Mersin, Adana and Gaziantep Investment Centers.