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Stocks Market


Opportunities and Advantages

Primary Dealer

Tacirler Investment is among the institutions that can act as a primary dealer to ensure price stability against excessive volatility and manipulative transactions in relation with the shallow stocks in the BİST Stocks Market. The purpose of a Primary Dealer is to ensure price stability for the stocks related to the trading quotations given for the securities traded with the continuous trading method and to prevent...
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Online Short Selling

You can easily earn revenues in the falling markets by short selling through Tacirler Investment. Before starting the short selling trades, it will be sufficient for you to have completed the necessary application process, to have minimum 50% equity in your account in the beginning of the trade and to declare in writing or verbally that this is a short selling trade. Initial equity refers to the cash or...
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Liquidity Provision

Fundamental Information

As Tacirler Investment, we offer the most suitable solutions to the investment needs of our individual and corporate investors having different risk preferences and portfolio sizes, through our experienced and specialized staff, our investor-focused service approach and the professional analysis support of our Research Department. Our investors can invest in the stocks of companies operating in various sectors and...
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