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Derivative Instruments


Over-the-Counter Derivative Products

Based on our specialized and experienced team, we, as Tacirler Investment, offer various derivative products in the Over-the-Counter Markets, defined as the markets other than stock exchanges and other organized markets, in line with the needs of our investors desiring to be protected against risks and invest under attractive conditions. For the investment opportunities in the Over-the-Counter Derivative Products...
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Futures and Options Market

At Tacirler Investment, you can invest in the derivative products such as Forwards, Swaps, Futures, Options and Structured Products to protect yourself against risks or to increase your revenues by taking a certain level of risk. In the derivative products and services range of Tacirler Investment, you will definitely find an investment product that suits your personal risk approach in the organized markets or...
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Evening Session

Information about the evening session, which was put into effect in the Futures and Options Market on January 17, 2020, is provided below. ● Our Institution accepts orders electronically (through our Tacirler Mobile Application, Online Investment Center and Online Branch, Matriks - Foreks - Ideal) during the Evening Session. ● For support services, you can call the telephone number 0212 355 46 13 between 19:00 and...
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