Model Portfolio Methodology
Tacirler Investment model portfolio has a structure that varies according to market conditions. The stocks to be included in the portfolio are selected by the research department of the intermediary institution. When making the selection, the factors such as the market value of the stocks, financial performance, growth potential, competition environment and model are taken into consideration. In the portfolio, the weight of the stocks having lower market value is kept between 0% and 30%. The weight of the BIST 100 companies varies between 70% and 100%. There are minimum 5 and maximum 10 stocks in the portfolio. The portfolio can change according to the market conditions and can be adapted to the risk and return preferences of investors. Model Portfolio is a list prepared to provide an overview to investors and does not constitute portfolio management or investment consulting service. No guarantee or commitment is given regarding the revenue or loss that will be obtained as a result of the application of the Model Portfolio.
Product Selection
The stocks to be included in the Tacirler Investment model portfolio are selected by the research department of the intermediary institution. When making the selection, the following factors are taken into consideration:
Market Value
- Financial performance
- Growth potential
- Competition environment
Distribution Percentage Selection
The weighting of the stocks in the Tacirler Investment model portfolio varies according to the market conditions and the risk and return preferences of investors. In general, the distribution of the stocks included in the portfolio is as follows:
- Stocks with lower market value: 0% to 30%
- BİST 100 companies: 70% to 100%
Target Price Policy
The target prices of the stocks included in the Tacirler Investment model portfolio are determined by the research department of the intermediary institution. These prices are determined based on the market value of the stocks and their future growth potential.
Model Portfolio Entries and Exits
Entries and exits of the stocks in the Tacirler Investment model portfolio vary according to the market conditions.
Displaying Portfolio Performance
The performance of the Tacirler Investment model portfolio is monitored by using the following indicators:
- Weighted average return: The weighted average of the returns of all stocks in the portfolio.
- Discrete return: The difference between the portfolio return and the market return.
Stocks Under Follow-Up
These are the stocks which are not included in the Tacirler Investment model portfolio, but which are considered to be included in the portfolio soon.
Confidentiality and Simultaneous Announcement
The stock changes in the Tacirler Investment model portfolio are announced simultaneously so that investors can trade fairly. In this way, investors can make their own investment decisions by being informed about the changes that occur in the portfolio.